1 HEB Whiskey Black Pepper Pork Shoulder Roast
1 container of HEB Pot Roast Kit Veggies
3/4 cup water
2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Heat oil in pan, brown all sides of pork shoulder roast using a dutch oven or roasting pan that can start out on the stove top. Remove from heat, add pot roast vegetables and 3/4 cup water, cover and cook at 350 degrees for 3 hours or until roast if fork tender.
Okay folks, here is my spin on two Food Network cooks where one prepares meals under $10 and the other takes pictures of every single step. I watched a certain "pioneer" woman this morning taking pictures of everything she made as she was cooking it and I figured if a country girl like her can do it, so can I. I hope the pictures do this dish justice.
Found this where the pre-chopped veggies are located |
Pre-marinated pork roast |
See, they still look okay. |
Reduced priced Veggies |
You'll need a dutch oven, this one is cast iron with a lid. |
Only 5.03 Ready to cook |
Brown meat then add veggies |
Add 3/4 cup water,
cover and roast
at 350 degrees |
I have found a section in the grocery store, just across from the fresh seafood counter, that seems to have really good buys on certain food items each week. One week I was there they had Jimmie Dean Sage flavored sausage for a buck. There was tons of this stuff. I figured it must not be any good since they had an abundance of it and it was marked down to just a dollar. Turns out, it was probably the best tasting breakfast sausage we had ever had. Everyone in the house liked it. Now that they have sold most of it, it's gone back up to nearly 3.00 a roll. This week I was scanning the same section and found Hillshire Farms Little Smokies, the turkey variety, marked for a buck. I figured they were healthier than the beef or pork and if nothing else I could use them for treats for Mr. Little Bob and Baby. Along side the smokies I found these pre-marinated pork shoulder roast. They only had the Whiskey Black Pepper flavor but they were only around 5 bucks each so I figured what the heck. From here I strolled over to the produce section where I have become a fan of the marked down produce. Not don't get me wrong, we're not hurtin' fer money, I
do know where my next meal is coming from and you won't find me in the soup kitchen line, BUT, when you can get fresh produce that has been marked down to less than half the price and it still looks perfectly good, I figure why not. It has become one of my favorite things to scout out as soon as I enter the store. I have found those mixed, pre-cut fresh fruit bowls that are usually 9-12 dollars marked down to 4. Soup mixes anywhere from half price to 99 cents! Pre-chopped peppers, onions, tomatoes for 99 cents. Squash and zucchini sliced and ready to saute or stir fry for 99 cents. As long as they are not mushy, watery, have turned brown or grown hair and look perfectly good I don't see any reason not to use these. So with this pot roast dish I have spent a total of $6.02 to feed 3 people for around 2.00 per person. Even less because this would feed a family of four as well. So there you have it, Pioneer Woman meets Ten Dollar Dinners meets Chew It Review It! Bon A petite!
I don't got no HEB close by :(