1 stick unsalted butter
9 large eggs separated
3/4 cup granulated sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and butter a 9" springform pan.
Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar in a mixing bowl. Set aside.

Now whisk a little bit of the chocolate into the egg yolk mixture to temper the yolks and keep them from scrambling; then whisk in the rest of the chocolate mixture.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form then fold into chocolate mixture.
Pour into prepared pan and bake until the cake is set and the top starts to crack, 20-25 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes then unmold. Serve with fresh whipped cream.
Well, this is the recipe and block pattern for February. The block is called North Star. It is made by using a technique called paper piecing. If all of quilting was done by this method I would never make another quilt as long as I live. I am NOT A FAN of paper piecing. This block was hard for me to put together and caused me a great deal of stress! I had to modify the block just to get it finished and I think it will still work just fine. Only me and those of you reading this blog will know that it has been altered. Plus the millions of folks who view Flickr cuz I put it on there too. LOL!!!
The recipe for the cake was a breeze!! I wish I could eat some of it and tell you how it taste! Still trying to watch my girlish figure so I made this cake and then gave it to my mother-in-law to take to her Wednesday Senior Citizens get together. She will call me tomorrow and let me know how they liked it. Judging by how the batter tasted I think this cake is going to be pretty tasty!!! Hardly any sugar, no flour but a lot of eggs. Kind of soufle' eeee. Easy to make so give it a try.
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